

We’re funded by thousands of everyday patriots who have committed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to protecting liberty for future generations.

National and State Leaders

I was slow to come to this conclusion to support the idea of [an Article V Convention] because I, too—my initial reaction was, what about the runaway convention and some of the questions that have been asked? But, I have been reading and studying on this for the last year or so... now believe that this is the only measure that we have to limit the expansive growth and increasing encroachment of the federal government."

Mike Johnson

Speaker of the House

“Our nation is involved in an internal struggle with leaders who fundamentally wish to eliminate the Constitutional bedrock America was founded upon (...) We rely on input from our millions of members on the issues that they care about—such as fighting runaway taxes, a heavy-handed government and the eroding relevance and importance of States rights. This is exactly why we’ve joined the Convention of States Project to mutually work toward using the Constitution to put the federal government back in its place—working for the people.”

Pete Hegseth

Secretary of Defense

"Convention of States aligns with the principles that I believe—a government for the people by the people."

Karoline Leavitt

White House Press Secretary

"My longtime friend, Michael Farris - who is an excellent constitutional litigator and professor - has joined with Mark Meckler and Citizens for Self-Governance to actually bring [an Article V Convention] into reality. I have reviewed their plan and it is both innovative and realistic."

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Ambassador to State of Israel Nominee

"I put my trust in the people, not Washington, in the critical effort to restore constitutional, limited government. The Convention of States Project is a genuine grassroots movement to achieve that goal, and one that I am proud to be a part of."

Sen. Marco Rubio

Secretary of State

"[An Article V convention] is within the Constitution for a reason. The framers of the Constitution had great forethought for periods just like this one. So I think just getting that convention together will have a useful function for the country. I challenge every other GOP candidate to recognize the same thing.”

Vivek Ramaswamy


"Our Founders envisioned a circumstance like this where Washington would so depart from our principles that the states would have to join together in [an Article V Convention]. Only the states will drive those reforms [of term limits and a balanced budget]."

Matt Gaetz

Former Congressman from Florida,
TV Host

When asked if he endorsed Convention of States, Ben Carson commented, "Very much so... our founders knew that there would probably come a time when you might have to make some adjustments to the Constitution."

Dr. Ben Carson

17th United States Secretary of
Housing and Urban Development;

"Washington won’t fix Washington. That’s why we must look to the people and the states, and that’s why I’ve joined the Convention of States Project as a Senior Advisor. An Article V convention is the last tool the states have left to reassert their sovereignty and re-balance the power between the federal and state governments. There are good people in Washington, but they won’t save our nation. Only the people and the states can stop the authoritarian juggernaut, and an Article V convention is our most powerful tool. It’s my great honor to be a part of something so significant to the survival of our country."

Sen. Rick Santorum

American politician and commentator,
Former US Senator from 1995 to 2007,
US Presidential Candidate 2012, 2016

"Years of abuse and overreach by the judicial, legislative and executive branches of the federal government have obliterated the enumerated powers established by our founders and made a mockery of the 10th Amendment rights granted to the states and the people. That’s why I support the Convention of States Project to restore the original constitutional limits on federal power by calling a limited convention to propose amendments to rein in our out-of-control federal government.”

Sen. Rand Paul

US Senator, American Physician and Politician

“I've spent years fighting the DC Swamp, and as a candidate for Governor of Florida, I know the states need to use Article V to take the power away from DC. The permanent bureaucracy will never voluntarily give up an ounce of its power. Florida was the second of twelve states that have already passed the Resolution, and I encourage all other state legislatures to support the Convention of States Project and pass the resolution today.”

Gov. Ron DeSantis

Florida Governor

"I am convinced that the time has come to [call an Article V Convention]. I see it as an opportunity to renew our Republic from the grassroots...to consider again the great constitutional questions which animated our history and which still have an urgent bearing on the challenges America faces today.”

Sen. Jim Talent

American politician, Former US Senator

"Washington is broken because too many of these folks—from both parties—are obsessed with popularity, short-term thinking, and permanent incumbency. Neither party is interested in balancing budgets or setting term limits. If a compact and focused convention, like the Convention of States resolution, can circumvent Washington’s navel-gazing, that’s real progress.”

Sen. Ben Sasse

Former US Senator,
President University of Florida

"The Founders of the United States of America inserted Article V into the Constitution, because they knew the entrenched powers of Washington would thumb their noses at the states and try to hijack the system for themselves...That is why we need [an Article V Convention], authorized in the Constitution, to propose amendments to fix America."

Gov. Greg Abbott

48th Governor of Texas

"The Founders of the United States of America inserted Article V into the Constitution, because they knew the entrenched powers of Washington would thumb their noses at the states and try to hijack the system for themselves...That is why we need [an Article V Convention], authorized in the Constitution, to propose amendments to fix America."

Gov. Sarah Palin

Former Governor of Alaska

"I fully support the Convention of States and an Article V Convention—focused on imposing fiscal restraint, reducing federal control, and enacting term limits as the best path forward to limit the federal government and return power back to the American people."

Yvette Harrell

Former Congresswoman
from New Mexico

"I realized that Washington will never willingly return decision-making power back to the American people and the states. Convention of States is the only solution."

Sen. Jim DeMint

American political advocate, businessman,
author, former US Senator.
President of the Heritage Foundation

"One of my greatest legislative achievements occurred when Missouri became the 12th state to pass this resolution in 2017. The Article V convention of states process is the only peaceful and constitutional solution that is as big as the problems we face as a country."

Rep. Eric Burlison

Congressman from Missouri

"I believe the only meaningful recourse for the ongoing abuses of power in Washington is to use Article V and call for a Convention of States. It will propose amendments that will rein in our runaway federal government. What I've seen from Washington is Congress isn't going to get it done. We must look to the Constitution and Article V, and return power to the people."

Rep. Jeff Duncan

Congressman from South Carolina

"After serving the good people of North Texas, both in the Texas Legislature and now in Congress, for over a decade, I can testify that the federal government is unwilling and unable to ‘bail out’ the states. If we wish to preserve the blessings of freedom from the greedy hand of government overreach, we must act for ourselves. We cannot afford to wait."

Rep. Pat Fallon

Congressman from Texas

"For the last few decades, we have seen unelected bureaucrats subvert the will of the people and pass new rules and regulations without even consulting Congress or state and local governments. This ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach from Washington goes completely against the Constitution and what our Founders intended for our country. Today, I am proud to endorse [an Article V Convention] to limit the power of the federal government and return the power back to the people."

Rep. Josh Brecheen

Congressman from Oklahoma

"Through the Convention of States Project, Americans champion the wisdom of our founding fathers, who first recognized the need to empower the states and safeguard the rights of our citizens. I fully support the Convention of States Project to restore the rightful balance between the federal government and the states, ensuring prosperity for our nation."

Rep. Russell Fry

Congressman from South Carolina

"Over the course of my first year in Washington, I have witnessed firsthand how our government often betrays the spirit of the Constitution's opening words 'We the People.' [An Article V Convention] promises to be the solution that the Founders envisioned when drafting our Constitution in 1787. I fully support this effort to restore the liberties that our Constitution guaranteed to us."

Rep. William Timmons

U.S. Representative

“Joe Biden and Congress continue to push a leftist agenda, even encouraging rule changes to force their will on the American people. It is time for state legislatures to use their constitutional leverage and pass a Convention of States resolution. It time to rein in the power of career politicians.”

Mark Meadows

American Politician
29th White House Chief of Staff

"The greatest weakness displayed in defending our foundations, by those of us who cherish them, is our failure to leverage the power we have to stop the assault on our institutions and values. [An Article V Convention] is your chance to prevent the federal government from extruding its powers into areas which it was never designed to do. This is your opportunity to leverage your power in defense of the constitutional system and the nation it created."

Louie Gohmert

Former Congressman from Texas

"The people, not entrenched bureaucrats, are what gives our government power and what makes our nation great. When the people step up and take back this power, it is an embodiment of what our nation's founders envisioned when writing Article V of the Constitution. I fully support [an Article V Convention] and am excited to see meaningful, and long overdue, change occur in our nation."

Rep. Ralph Norman

US Congressman from South Carolina

"Thank goodness the founders had the wisdom to provide us with Article V of the Constitution, which gives us the right and power to hold an Amending Convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to restrain the scope and power of the federal government... Under the system of federalism, I support the efforts to gather [an Article V Convention] consistent with [the Constitution] and honoring the 10th Amendment."

Lt. Col. Allen West

American politician;
Retired United States Army officer

"The federal government has clearly grown far beyond the size and scope that the Founders ever envisioned. Over-spending, excessive regulatory overreach, and disdain for individual liberty all run rampant in Washington D.C. Luckily, the Founders gave us a mechanism to reform a runaway federal government in Article V of the Constitution. We can—and we must—scale back the monstrosity that our federal government has become. For this reason, I support the Convention of States Project efforts to call an Article V convention to propose amendments to restrain the size of the federal government."

Gov. Bobby Jindal

Former Governor of Louisiana

"The hour is late for our constitutional republic. It is not alarmist or paranoid to declare our rule of law almost gone."

"One need only to objectively view the day's headlines with government gone wild, and unelected judges appointing themselves a perpetual constitutional convention. With too few exceptions, both major political parties have devolved from protectors of the Constitution to its primary threat.

"As I see it, [an Article V Convention] may be the last chance within the system for we the people to form a more perfect union again."

Gov. Jeb Bush

Former Governor of Florida

"I am in full support, and I completely endorse the Convention of States Action in the state of Nevada.

Lt. Gov. Stavros Anthony

Lt Governor of Nevada

Thought Leaders

"Only [an Article V convention] will give us effective solutions to the abuse of power in Washington, D.C. It is our moral obligation to protect liberty for ourselves and our posterity."

Michael Farris

Founder, HSLDA and Patrick Henry College,
CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom.

"Article V of the Constitution provides for a 'convention for proposing amendments.' The Founders inserted this provision to enable the people, acting through their state legislatures, to rein in an abusive or runaway federal government."

Professor Rob Natelson

Constitutional Scholar,
Senior Fellow, Constitutional Jurisprudence
Independence Institute

"I have wholeheartedly endorsed the Convention of States Project. I serve on its Legal Board of Reference because they propose a solution as big as the problem. And they are promoting state applications for a convention for the purpose of limiting the scope, power and jurisdiction of the federal government. And that’s what needs to be done."

Mark Levin

Radio and Fox News Host
Author of “The Liberty Amendments”

"The hour is late for our constitutional republic. It is not alarmist or paranoid to declare our rule of law almost gone. One need only to objectively view the day's headlines with government gone wild, and unelected judges appointing themselves a perpetual constitutional convention. With too few exceptions, both major political parties have devolved from protectors of the Constitution to its primary threat.

As I see it, [an Article V convention] may be the last chance within the system for we the people to form a more perfect union again."

Steve Deace

American talk-show host, Blaze Media

"Washington, D.C. is fundamentally broken and it's past time we look outside the Swamp for answers. Providentially, the Founding Fathers wrote Article V into the U.S. Constitution as a backstop to the tyrannical rule we see from the Federal Government today. We have a limited window of opportunity left to save our Republic. I call on states to pass the Convention of the States resolution, which just might be our last best hope."

Dr Kevin Roberts

President of the Heritage Foundation

"The fact that there has never been [an Article V convention] called to propose amendments to the Constitution means that most Americans are unaware that we the people have this power and need not rely on Congress to initiate the amendment process. This lack of familiarity with the convention-of-states option for proposing constitutional amendments is a problem for our republic because it creates a strong inertia against the people’s use of Article V as the potent check on federal power that the Framers envisioned it would be. It also creates uncertainty and doubt about how such a convention would work in practice.

A grassroots organization—the Convention of the States Foundation—seeks to remedy that problem. The organization has been spearheaded by Mark Meckler, a conservative activist and co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots; Mike Farris, founder of Patrick Henry College and the Home School Legal Defense Association and former CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom; and former U.S. Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum. It seeks to call for “a convention for proposing amendments” limited to three subject areas:

  • Fiscal restraints on the federal government;
  • Limits on the jurisdiction of the federal legislative, executive, or judicial branches; and
  • Term limits for members of the federal legislative or judicial branches.

...The actual convening of a such a convention would send a powerful message to federal officials and elected representatives in Washington not only that the people are watching what they are doing and are upset by what they are seeing, but also that they are prepared to flex their political muscles, get in the game, and reclaim power if it is abused, as it is all the time."

The Heritage Foundation

"We have to hem in the power of Congress and, in many cases, the power of the Executive, before it is too late. Can you imagine the looks on the faces of politicians when they realize they are now legally barred from controlling your life and they can’t just live in those offices forever? Calling [an Article V convention] is the only way to get the job done. Sign the petition and get involved. It’s an important cause."

Ben Shapiro

American political commentator and writer

"The Founding Fathers gave us a foolproof way to rein in an over reaching federal government in Article V. If young conservatives want to take back our country, they will join me in supporting the Convention of States Project. A convention of states is the only constitutional way to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government and anyone who wants to give power back to the people will support this growing movement. After all, as we always say at Turning Point, 'Big Government Sucks,' and it's not going to shrink itself."

Charlie Kirk

American political activist,
Founder Turning Point USA

"After spending the time to look into the Convention of States Project, I have become an ardent supporter. For those who worry about the idea of a runaway convention, I implore you to put away your fear, do your research, and join me in this movement to return the nation to our biblical and constitutional roots. Now is the time for courage."

Kirk Cameron

Actor, Writer, and Producer

“Our political system is definitely broken, and it needs more than elections to fix it. We need to restore the structure of our system of governance. That’s why I endorse the Convention of States Project, led by my friend Mark Meckler. For people like me who think we need to do more than complain, Article V of the Constitution gives us a way to call a convention, propose amendments, and shove the federal government back in the constitutional box. That’s my kind of solution.”

Dave Rubin

American Political Commentator

"The only way to put government back in check and return to America to its founding documents is if ‘we the people’ do it. Convention of States is a great organization built by and for the grassroots. I believe we have the opportunity right now to get to convention and turn our country around.”

Lawrence Jones

American conservative political commentator,
Fox News contributor, talk radio host, and author

"I have been a strong advocate for the Convention of States Project, which is focused on term limits for Congress, a balanced budget, and judicial reform. Unelected bureaucrats, activist judges, and the ever-expanding scope, reach and invasion of the federal government into the lives of all Americans has far surpassed what our Founders ever intended.”

Jenna Ellis

Lawyer, Former Legal Advisor to President Trump

"I've dedicated my life to exposing the lies, the criminal acts, and unethical practices committed by the Deep State in Washington D.C. I am under no illusion that those in D.C. will ever voluntarily give up their power. That’s why I am proud to stand with my good friend Mark Meckler and endorse the Convention of States Project. Calling an Article V convention will restore liberty and bring the power back to the people where it belongs."

James O'Keefe

Journalist, American activist

"The process of having a national conversation about the constitutional promises of liberty, individual rights, and due process is vitally needed. An Article V Amendments Convention to fortify vital constitutional safeguards against an aggressively expanding federal government is exactly what this country needs in order to preserve and protect freedom. The historic movement toward a Convention of States puts Congress and Executive offices on notice that the American people are serious and will insist upon fidelity to constitutional principles. Historians write that just the state activity to organize [an Article V convention] may have as much force on federal government overreach as the convention itself."

Texas Public Policy Foundation

“If you're serious about saving the nation, this is the best way to do it. Join the constitutional revolution with Convention of States Project."

Sean Hannity

American television host,
political commentator and author

“Our nation is currently at risk, due in part to the massive centralization of power in Washington, DC. Career politicians, activist judges and unelected bureaucrats continually erode our freedom, and steal from future generations by expanding our debt. From decades of business and political experience, including a run for the U.S. Senate, I have come to the conclusion that DC can never fix itself. It is for this reason I have become a supporter of the Convention of States Project. Along with my friends, retired Senator Tom Coburn and Mark Meckler, I believe it is the solution as big as our nation’s problems.”

Pete Coors

American Businessman

"I support an Article V convention. It is time for states to go on the offensive to limit the overreach of the federal government...I urge you to support all of the Constitution, and thus the efforts of Convention of States to pass their extremely well-thought-out and strategic legislation in your home state and thus join us in a call to restore our constitutional republic."

David Barton

Founder and President of Wallbuilders

"I started off initially skeptical of an Article V convention…but the more I studied it and the more I looked at the brilliance of the Founding Fathers and the safety net they put in place for an Article V convention…I came to the conclusion: this is the answer. I tell people now, without [an Article V convention] I don’t believe we save the Republic. I think it’s that important. It’s the tool and the only way to reset the table and put the authority, jurisdiction, and power back into the proper hands."

Rick Green

Founder of Patriot Academy,
Former Texas State Representative

"I believe we have now come to the time when this last resort of the people should be deployed. I have joined millions of other Americans who have signed a petition asking our legislature to pass a resolution to call for a convention of states to propose amendments to the Constitution on the subjects of federal overreach, fiscal responsibility, and term limits.”

Dr. Dave Brat

American economist and professor,
Former US Representative

"The Founders left us a tool to rein in our federal government, and we’re proud that Mississippi took the wise and bold action to use it. Unsustainable spending, elected representatives who defer to the administrative state rather than make hard decisions, and politicians who spend most of their time raising campaign funds or arranging cozy crony nests are the compelling reasons why our organization got behind your efforts."

Mississippi Center for Public Policy

“The genius of our Founding Fathers is on full display in the [Article V convention] process, which empowers We the People at a local level to continue preserving and protecting the fundamental rights of every individual and keeping America’s limited government in check.”

Dr. James Dobson

Author, psychologist,
founder of Focus on the Family

"We the people have to take our power back through efforts like the Convention of States Project. That is the next revolution we need."

Steve Hilton

Political commentator

"I believe the time has come for the states to use their power under Article V of the Constitution to put the breaks on our runaway federal government. It is obvious that Washington has no intention of reining in its profligate spending, its trampling of our freedoms, its stranglehold on public education, or its dictating its woke agenda on our families and businesses."

Bob Vander Plaats

CEO of The Family Leader

"The federal government today has grown completely out of control, far beyond the fence of limited government intended by our nation’s founders. The enormity of the federal government and the imbalance of power between the states and the federal government present a threat to our national security. The founders gave us a lawful and orderly process in Article V for the states to exercise the most powerful check on runaway federal power. For this reason, I support the Convention of States Project efforts to call an Article V convention to propose amendments that will limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government."

Lt Col Bill Cowan

USMC (Retired),
Fox News Terrorism Analyst

"Many great civilizations failed when government became too large, spending grew and debt ballooned—causing economies to collapse, and liberty to erode. Liberty demands vigilance; we must work to preserve it. I support the Convention of States Project’s mission to use Article V to put limits on federal power for both us and for generations to come. If we fail as a nation it will be because we failed to address the problems facing us."

Lawrence Reed

American economist

"Our Founders knew what they were doing. [An Article V convention] was put in the Constitution for the express purpose of giving the states a way of limiting the federal government. I support the effort of the states to call such a convention. I’d like to ask you to stand with George Mason and our Founding Fathers."

Ken Cuccinelli

American Politician,
former Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security

"The founders understood that in order for the American experiment to succeed, America's people would have to be vigilant. But today most of us take our right of self-governance for granted, and as a result we are in peril of losing the great gift we inherited from the founders. I support the Convention of States Project’s effort to call a convention for proposing amendments to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials."

Eric Metaxas

American talk show host

"The greatest weakness displayed in defending our foundations, by those of us who cherish them, is our failure to leverage the power we have to stop the assault on our institutions and values. [An Article V convention] is your chance to prevent the federal government from extruding its powers into areas which it was never designed to do. This is your opportunity to leverage your power in defense of the constitutional system and the nation it created."

David Horowitz

Neoconservative activist, writer

"I join Mike Farris and Mark Levin in support of [an Article V convention] under the U.S. Constitution. Some constitutional changes must be made. Nothing less will remove the danger that a future, solidly leftist Supreme Court would 'interpret' the Constitution to eliminate the separation of powers and checks and balances in government. The great American experiment with limited government would be over. Probably things would have to get worse than they now are for public support to result in [an Article V convention]. It’s wise to make ready now for when that time comes."

Morton Blackwell

Conservative activist

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