About Us

a movement of citizens who are fed up with business as usual in D.C.

We’re funded by thousands of everyday patriots who have committed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to protecting liberty for future generations.

Who We Are


We’re funded by thousands of everyday patriots who have committed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to protecting liberty for future generations.

We have a solution that is as big as the problem

The Convention of States (COS) Project was founded by Citizens for Self-Governance for the purpose of raising awareness of this constitutional solution. We believe Washington, D.C., is broken and will not fix itself. The federal government is spending this country into the ground, seizing power from the states and taking liberty from the people.

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Trained Specialized Leaders

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Nationwide Supporters

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Volunteer Leaders

national leadership

President, Convention of States

Mark Meckler

Mark Meckler is the President of Convention of States (COS). COS has over 5 million supporters and volunteers representing every state in the nation. Mark appears regularly on television, radio and online discussing the conservative grassroots perspective on political issues.

Before COS, Mark was the Co-Founder of Tea Party Patriots. He left the organization in 2012 advance principles of self-governance beyond the partisan divide in D.C. Mark has a B.A. from SDSU and a law degree from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. He practiced law for two decades.

From February 2021 to May 2021 Mark served as the Interim CEO at Parler to help bring the free speech social media company back online and equip it for a strong future. Meckler said, “It was an honor to serve in this capacity in the fight for free speech in America.”

Mark and Patty have been married more than 28 years. They have two grown children and reside in central Texas.

Senior Advisor, Convention of States

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum is a Senior Advisor for Convention of States. Sen. Santorum was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 2012 and 2016 – winning the 2012 Iowa caucuses, 10 additional states and nearly 4 million votes. Prior to his campaigns for president, Rick served two terms in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, where he gained a reputation as one of the nation’s leading government reformers, pro-life advocates, and national security experts.

Rick Santorum is the author of the 2005 New York Times bestseller It Takes a Family, American Patriots: Answering the Call to Freedom, and Blue Collar Conservatives: Recommitting to an America that Works. Rick and his wife Karen are also the co-authors of Bella’s Gift that chronicles the inspiring story of life with the Santorums’ special-needs youngest child. Bella’s miraculous life has only strengthened Rick and Karen’s belief in the dignity of each and every life. Rick and Karen are the parents of seven children including Bella: Elizabeth, John, Daniel, Sarah Maria, Peter, and Patrick.

Senior Advisor, Convention of States

Michael Farris

Michael Farris is a Senior Advisor to Convention of States and co-founded the organization with Mark Meckler. He is largely known for his work in constitutional appellate litigation, religious freedom, and homeschool advocacy.

After years of success in the COS movement, God called Mike back to defending religious freedom, human life, and the family. Mike left Convention of States in 2017 to serve as the President, CEO and General Counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom, the world’s premiere defender of religious liberty.

Mike was the founding president of both the Home School Legal Defense Association and Patrick Henry College. He has argued before the appellate courts of 13 states, eight federal circuit courts of appeals, and twice before the Supreme Court of the United States.

Following five years of dedicated work with ADF, Mike returned to Convention of States in 2023 to advance the movement for liberty and the protection of fundamental rights in America.

Mike and his wife Vickie have 10 children and many grandchildren.

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Washington DC is broken and will not be fixed by the ruling elite

Your tax deductible 501(c)3 donation will enable us to win the fight against an out of control government and return power back to the sovereign citizens of the United States.